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炼钢及连铸方向部分重点报告介绍|第九届亚洲钢铁大会(Asia Steel 2024)

由中国金属学会(CSM)、印度金属学会(IIM)、日本铁钢协会(ISIJ)和韩国金属学会(KIM)共同主办,湖南钢铁集团有限公司、河钢集团、巴西矿冶公司(CBMM|Niobium)和中冶京诚工程技术有限公司协办的“第九届亚洲钢铁大会”(Asia Steel 2024)暨“2024年氢冶金国际研讨会”(ISHM2024)将于2024年9月4-7日在湖南省长沙市召开。




a.Fundamentals of Steels(基础理论研究)

b.Ironmaking and Related Technologies(炼铁及相关技术)

c.Hydrogen Metallurgy Technologies(氢冶金技术)

d.Steelmaking and Continuous Casting(炼钢及连铸)

e.Rolling and Heat Treatment(轧钢及热处理)

f.Near Net-Shape Production(近终形制造)

g.Steel Products and Application(钢铁产品及应用)

h.Digitization and Intelligence of Process(过程数字化及智能化)

i.Resources and Environment(资源与环保)

j.Analysis and Characterization(分析与表征)



Somnath Basu, IIT Bombay, India

Presentation title: Transient phenomena during hydrogen-based reduction of iron oxide pellets – In-situ observations

Educational Qualification:

● Ph.D. (2007) in Materials Process Science from Department of Materials Science and

Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

● M. Tech. (2001) in Process Metallurgy from the Department of Metallurgical

Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

Mumbai, India.

● B. E. (Hons.) (1998) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Department of

Metallurgical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

International collaborations:

(i) Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

(ii) University of Toronto, Canada

(iii) University of Pretoria, South Africa

Awards and recognitions:

● Excellence in Teaching Award from IIT Bombay (2019)

● Shastri Mobility Programme (SMP) Fellowship awardee from Shastri IndoCanadian

 Institute (March 2017)

● Nominated for Author Award for best paper (H. M. Howe Medal) in Metall. Mater.

Trans. B (2021)

Membership of professional bodies:

● The Indian Institute of Metals (Life Member)

● Association of Iron and Steel Technology

● Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

● The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society

Geoff Brooks, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Presentation title: Co-carbonization behavior of coal and microalgae

Danilo Guzela,

Presentation title: Best Practices to Minimize Center Line Segregation of Sour Service Steel Plates

Graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from Mauá Engineering School (S?o Paulo) in 1980. 

Graduated Diploma in Project Management from PROTAP-FEA/USP in 1996. 

Executive MBA in Competitive Management from FIA / USP in 2005. 

43 years of experience in LD Steelmaking and Continuous Casting.

31 years working as a Production Manager and Technical Manager of Cubat?o Steel Making Plant USIMINAS, Brazil (LD Steelmaking, Continuous and Ingot Casting). 

From 2014 working as Steelmaking Consultant to CBMM - Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Minera??o: Consultancy in Steelmaking and Continuous Casting (Slabs, Thin Slabs, Billets and H Beam Blanks). Technical assistance related to Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Plants in Canada, USA, Mexico, Spain, France, England, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Philippines, South Korea, China, Japan, India, Slovenia, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Vietnam.

Trained in the processes concerning Steelmaking and Continuous Casting in several NSC Plants (Yawata, Kimitsu, Nagoya). 

Several works implemented to improve the surface and inner quality of the slabs and rolled with recognition of Nippon Steel Corporation.

Experience in BOF (LD) and Continuous Casting machines: CONCAST, PRIMETALS, DEMAG, SMS, DANIELI.

Experience in secondary refining processes: Ladle furnace, RH, CAS-OB, AHF. 

Experience in continuous casting machine projects and revamps.

Member of Brazilian Metallurgy, Materials and Mining Association (ABM).

Miyuki Hayashi,
Tokyo Institute of Technology,

Presentation title: Relationship between structures and thermophysical and thermochemical properties on silicate melts containing fluoride

Prof. Miyuki Hayashi is a full professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. She graduated from Dept. Metall. Eng. Tokyo Inst. Tech. in 1992 and obtained her PhD at the same department in 1997. Her PhD thesis title is “Magnetic and optical properties of steelmaking slags from the perspective of coordination structures of iron ions”. She worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Dept. Physics, Trinity College, Dublin for one year, and then as an assistant professor at Tokyo Tech for four years. To expand her academic field, she moved to Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and worked with Prof. Seetharaman for eighteen months, where she worked on thermophysical properties of mold flux, coke and Fe, Ti and Ni-based super alloys. She became an associate professor at Tokyo Tech in 2004 and a professor at the same in 2021. She is the first (and only at the moment) female professor in the field of iron and steelmaking process in Japan although Japan has over 120-year history in modern steelmaking. 

Shuhei Irie,
JFE Steel Corporation,

Presentation title: Estimation of Changes in Content and Characteristics of Mold Flux during Continuous Casting

Mr. Shuhei Irie is a senior researcher of Steelmaking Research Dept., Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation. He joined JFE Steel in 2016 after he acquired master’s degree of energy science in Kyoto University in the same year. Since then, he had been conducting research related to the operation of continuous casting machine for 7 years.

Kazuhiko IWAI,
Hokkaido University,

Presentation title: Application of electromagnetic fields to high temperature process

Dr. IWAI Kazuhiko is a professor of Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, JAPAN. He obtained his PhD at Nagoya University and joined to EPM(Electromagnetic Processing of Material) research group in the same university as an assistant professor. Then he moved to Hokkaido University in 2012. His main research field is application of electromagnetic fields to materials processing such as refinement of solidified structure, separation of inclusions, enhancement of chemical reaction rate.

Muxing Guo,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Presentation title: Interactions Between Alumina Inclusions at the Liquid Iron/Argon Gas Interface: Role of Contact Line Undulation

Muxing Guo is currently a senior research expert and a leader of high temperature metallurgy at KU Leuven. For around 40 years, Muxing Guo has devoted himself to scientific research, teaching, and industrial applications in the field of process metallurgy. His work covers both fundamental and application research of process metallurgy on ferrous and non-ferrous, primary and secondary raw materials processing. He has coordinated and been involved in multiple national and international projects in the areas of : (1) thermodynamics of metallurgical melts and slag-metal-gas equilibrium; (2) clean metal production; (3) In-situ observation of high temperature metallurgical phenomena; (4) metal/slag/refractory interactions; (5) ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical process optimization; (6) development of sustainable processes: recycling, metal extraction from the secondary resources, and valorization of metallurgical residues. He has published approximately 340 papers with H-index of 37.

Xiaofang Jiang, China BaoWu Steel Group Corporation Limited, China

Presentation title: to be determined

Youn-Bae Kang,
Pohang University of Science and Technology,

Presentation title: Evolution of Oxide Inclusions in Ti-added Al-killed Ultra-Low C Steel

Professor Youn-Bae Kang is currently a professor at the Graduate Institute of Ferrous and Eco Materials Technology and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology. He brings a wealth of experience, having previously worked at Polytechnique Montreal in Canada, where he focused on the development of thermodynamic databases for oxides and alloys, as well as sophisticated solution models used in FactSage software. Furthermore, he was a visiting researcher at the Technical Research Laboratories of POSCO, Korea, an advisory professor at Samsung Electronics, and an invited professor at Polytechnique Montreal, Canada. His expertise lies in high-temperature experiments for the chemical reactions of metals and non-metals, computational and solution thermodynamics (CALPHAD), reaction kinetics, and mechanism analysis. His research interests encompass various important areas, including clean steel production, recycling of industrial waste (including ferrous scrap), low-C emission hydrogen production, and theoretical solution thermodynamics.  In addition to his academic roles, he serves as an associate editor of ISIJ Int., a Key Reader of Metall. Mater. Trans. B, a member of the international advisory board of steel research international, and a member of the editorial board of Int. J. Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials. His research outcomes have garnered recognition from prestigious societies such as TMS, ISIJ, ASM International, KIMM, CALPHAD, and NAEK. Furthermore, he served as the secretary general for the AsiaSteel 2021 conference.

Guangqiang Li,
Wuhan University of Science and Technology,

Presentation title: Hydrogen reduction of Oolitic high-phosphorus iron ore and phosphorus removal by melting separation

Professor and doctoral supervisor of Materials Department, Wuhan University of Science and Technology. He is the first distinguished professor of "Chutian Scholar" in Hubei Province, a national candidate of new Century Talents Project, a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Hubei Province, and an outstanding teacher in Hubei Province. He was a project Professor of the University of Tokyo from June to September 2014. He was deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Refractories and Metallurgy and director of the Key Laboratory of Ferrous metallurgy and Resource Utilization of the Ministry of Education. Mainly research on steel refining and inclusions control, metallurgical slag recycling, etc. Presided over and completed 5 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Presided over the completion of more than 20 scientific research projects of Baosteel, Wisco and Lianyuan Steel. He has published 315 SCI journal papers with H factor 35. One invention patent is authorized in the United States, and more than 20 Chinese invention patents are issued. Won 5 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards.

Chengjun Liu, Northeastern University, China

Presentation title: to be determined

Hiroyuki Matsuura,
Tokyo University,

Presentation title: In-site observation of non-metallic inclusions during the solidification of molten steel

Awarded Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 2006.

Research Associate in the Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, in 2006-2007.

Assistant Professor, Lecturer, and currently Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo since 2007.

Mainly working on pyrometallurgical processes, including ironmaking, steel refining, solidification, and thermomechanical treatment processes from thermochemical and kinetic viewpoints, such as equilibrium phase relationship, dephosphorization reaction, inclusion modification, solid steel heat treatment, and slag recycling. Also focusing on the development of a novel recycling process of zinc in EAF dust via selective chlorination, molten salt purification, and molten salt electrolysis.

Dipak Mazumdar,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,

Presentation title: Process Modelling In Steelmaking: Past, Present And Future

Professor Dipak Mazumdar, a distinguished Alumnus of NIT Jamshedpur, has been teaching and conducting research at IIT Kanpur for over 35 years. He was a former chairperson of the Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur and held the distinguished INAE Chair and the Ministry of Steel Chair professorship successively during the period, 2009-2017. Professor Mazumdar has coauthored three books, written book chapters and over one hundred seventy-five scientific articles in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) as well as the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), and recipient of fifteen national and international awards, including three distinguished educator/teacher awards from INAE, IIM and IIT Kanpur. Prof. Mazumdar has been working as a consultant for more than a dozen steel and refractory industries in the country for over two decades. He has superannuated in 2023 and is currently continuing at IIT Kanpur as an Emeritus Fellow.

Joohyun Park,
Hanyang University,

Presentation title: Reoxidation of molten steel in secondary refining and continuous casting processes: Influence on steel cleanliness

Prof. Joohyun Park is a director of the Laboratory for the High Temperature Physicochemical Processing of Materials (HiTeP2), Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea. He was a Senior Research Scientist in the Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, for 7 years and now performing research focusing on i) inclusion science and engineering, ii) slag science and technology, iii) sustainable ferrous- and non-ferrous metallurgy for carbon neutral society, etc. He has been an Affiliated Professor in KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and a Guest Professor in USTB. He was selected as a recipient of the Iron- and Steelmaking Technology Award (2005) and Best Patent Award (2006) by POSCO; the Best Young Scientist Award (2012) and Chungwoong Award (2021) by Korea Institute of Metals and Materials; the Marcus Grossmann Young Author Award (2014), TMS-EPD Science Award (2020), and Key Reader Award (2021) by TMS; the Sawamura Award (2017) by Iron & Steel Institute of Japan; the Minister Award (2021) by Korean Government (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, MOTIE). He has granted about 30 (International and Korean) patents and published 210 peer-reviewed scientific articles with 500 conference presentations.

Pavel E. Ramirez Lopez, Swerim AB, Sweden

Presentation title: Continuous Casting Research and Development: A modern holistic approach

Born in Mexico City, I originally hold a B.Sc. in Aeronautics and a M.Sc. in Metallurgy and Materials, completed with honors under Prof. Rodolfo Morales supervision in 2006 at the National Polytechnic, Institute, México. I also hold a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Imperial College London in the United, Kingdom, completed under Prof. Peter D. Lee and Prof. Ken C. Mills supervision from 2006 to 2010.

After completing my Ph.D., I joined SWERIM AB (formerly known as Swerea MEFOS AB), in the city of Lule?, in northern Sweden, where I work to date as Manager for the Raw Materials and Quality Group as well as leading the Casting Research Area at the Institute.

I also hold an Adjoint Professor position at KTH Royal institute of Technology and have been recently appointed as Expert for the Technical Group-TGA2: Casting & Rolling for the Executive Research Agency (REA) in the European Commission (EU).

My main areas of work are implementation of plant tests as well as experimental and numerical modelling for improvement of the Continuous Casting process through projects funded by Scandinavian steelmakers, the Swedish Innovation and Energy Agencies as well as the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.

My interests include flow dynamics, turbulence, heat transfer, solidification, design and implementation of equipment for plant trials and liquid-metal experiments as well as Multi-scale/multi- physics coupling of flow dynamics with stress and microstructure in Continuous Casting and other metallurgical processes such as quenching and light metals casting.

Wanlin Wang,
Central South University,

Presentation title: Strategy for the optimization of continuous casting mold technology 

Dr. Wanlin Wang is Lotus scholar chair professor and Dean of National Center for International Research of Clean Metallurgy, China. Also, he is the associate dean of the school of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University. He received his Bachelor degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Central South University, Master degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Utah, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2007. He worked as a Sr. Research Scientist in the Reckitt Benckiser North America before joining Central South University in 2009.

His research focuses on high-temperature processing and continuous casting technology. He is the author of more than 300 publications in prestigious international journals, including 67 in Metallurgical Materials Transactions B. He is the recipient of many academic honors, including AIME-Champion H. Mathewson Award from TMS, Marcus A. Grossmann Young Author Award from ASM, Newton Advanced Fellow from Royal Society of UK, Excellent Young Scholar Fellowship from National Science Foundation of China, LMD Best Paper Award from TMS, MMI Best Paper Award from Korean Institute of Metals, Weishoukun Scientific Award, and National Ten-thousand Talents Program Award, etc. He is a distinguished member of Chinese Society of Metals. He has been invited to be international advisory board and give keynote speeches for numerous international conferences, such as International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, European Continuous Casting Conference, etc.

Osaka Metropolitan University,

Presentation title: Numerical investigation and automatic design of metallurgical process with an aid of simulation and optimization methodology

2017/3 Ph.D. (Engineering) in Osaka University, Department of Materials Engineering Science

2017/4~2020/3 Assistant Professor in Tohoku University, Department of Frontier Science for Advanced Environment

2020/4~2023/3 Assistant Professor in Tohoku University, Department of Metallurgy

2022/10~ Japan Science and Technology Agency, PREST researcher

2023/4~ Associate Professor in Osaka Metropolitan University, Department of Chemical Engineering

Jian Yang,
Shanghai University,

Presentation title: Oxide Metallurgy Technology for Improving Weldability of HSLA Steel Plates 

Jian YANG is a professor and the director of Department of Materials Engineering in Shanghai University. In Chinese Society for Metals, he serves as the deputy director of Foreign Exchange Working Committee, the deputy director of Metallurgical Artificial Intelligence Branch, the deputy director of Metallurgical Reaction Engineering Branch, and the member of Steelmaking Branch. He is also the editorial board member of Ironmaking and Steelmaking, ISIJ International, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, etc. From 2006 to 2007, he was an associate professor in Nagoya University in Japan. From 2007 to 2016, he was a Chief Researcher of Central Research Institute of Baosteel Group Corporation. From 2010 to 2016, he served as the leader of steelmaking technology team of Baosteel Group Corporation. Jian YANG’s research mainly focuses on steelmaking, continuous casting, inclusion control technology and oxide metallurgy technology. He has authorized 7 international invention patents, applied for and granted 45 Chinese invention patents, and published 420 journal or conference papers. In 2015, he won the Nishiyama Memorial Award from Iron and Steel Institute of Japan(ISIJ). In 2002 and 2007, he won the Sawamura Best Paper Award from ISIJ. In 2021, he was awarded the Excellent Paper Award by Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.

Lifeng Zhang,
North China University of Technology,

Presentation title: Prediction on the Three Dimensional Spatial Distribution of the Number Density, Size and Composition of Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel Continuous Casting Products

Lifeng Zhang is a professor and the President with North China University of Technology. He was a Professor and the Vice President of Yanshan University from 2019 to 2022, professor and the Dean of the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering with the University of Science and Technology Beijing from 2012 to 2019. He served as professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2005 to 2007, assistant professor and associate professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology from 2007 to 2011. Lifeng was a research associate and research scientist at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2001-2005. He pursued his post-doctoral studies at Tohoku University financially supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and at the Institute of Metallurgy, Technical University of Clausthal (Germany) from 1998 to 2001. Lifeng’s research mainly focuses on clean steel and inclusions and modeling of process metallurgy. He has published over 500 academic papers and been awarded over 40 patents and 10 patents in software, has been invited to talk at over 300 international academic assemblies. Lifeng is serving as the editorial board member for over 10 journals and he has been invited to review papers for over 130 international journals.

Lifeng received numerous awards, including the Youth Prize of China Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award, six 1stClass Prize of Provincial and ministerial science and technology awards Award; Richard J. Fruehan Award from Association for Iron & Steel Technology, USA; Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award of Royal Academy of Engineering, UK.

Miaoyong Zhu,
Northeastern University,

Presentation title: Prediction and Control of Surface Fluctuation in Slab Continuous Casting Mold Based on AI and Metallurgical Big Data 

Dr. Miaoyong ZHU born in 1965, is currently professor, the chairman of the academic committee and the director of advanced continuous casting research center, at the School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University (NEU), China. He is also the deputy director of the steelmaking committee and continuous casting committee, the Chinese Society for Metals. He was awarded the Changjiang Scholars Distinguished Professor by the Ministry of Education, China in 2012.

Dr. Zhu received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Ferrous Metallurgy from Northeastern University, China in 1988, 1991, and 1994, respectively, and was promoted as Associate Professor and Full Professor at NEU in 1995 and 1999, respectively.

He has conducted research primarily in the fields of steelmaking and continuous casting with emphasis on the removal of nonmetallic inclusions in steel and solidification control during continuous casting.

Dr. Zhu made co-authored 152 patents and over 500 scientific papers and edited 12 books. Dr. Zhu is the winner of National Outstanding Young Scientists Foundation, China and also won Wei Shoukun Science Technology and Education Prize for Young Metallurgist in 2012, and the National Award for Science and Technology Progress in 2021.






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