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基础理论研究方向部分重点报告介绍|第九届亚洲钢铁大会(Asia Steel 2024)
由中国金属学会(CSM)、印度金属学会(IIM)、日本铁钢协会(ISIJ)和韩国金属学会(KIM)共同主办,湖南钢铁集团有限公司、河钢集团、巴西矿冶公司(CBMM|Niobium)和中冶京诚工程技术有限公司协办的“第九届亚洲钢铁大会”(Asia Steel 2024)将于2024年9月4-7日在湖南省长沙市召开。



a. Fundamentals of Steels(基础理论研究)

b. Ironmaking and Related Technologies(炼铁及相关技术)

c. Hydrogen Metallurgy Technologies(氢冶金技术)

d. Steelmaking and Continuous Casting(炼钢及连铸)

e. Rolling and Heat Treatment(轧钢及热处理)

f. Near Net-Shape Production(近终形制造)

g. Steel Products and Application(钢铁产品及应用)

h. Digitization and Intelligence of Process(过程数字化及智能化)

i. Resources and Environment(资源与环保)

j. Analysis and Characterization(分析与表征)



Hao Chen,
Tsinghua University,

Presentation title: Flash annealing of advanced high strength steels

Dr. Hao Chen is tenured associate professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He received his PhD degree with “Cum laude” at Delft University of Technology in 2013. He also spent a year as postdoctoral fellow at University of British Columbia, Canada in 2014. Dr Chen’s research ranges from thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations in steels, to the application of emerging technologies such as additive manufacturing, flash heating and advanced modeling techniques (including physics-based modeling and artificial intelligence) in steel research. He has published over 100 refereed papers in the well known journals. He also delivered ~30 invited talks in the area of phase transformations and advanced high strength steels.

Si Gao,
Kyoto University,

Presentation title: Strain localization behavior in a 304 type stainless steel having fine microstructures

Si Gao is currently an associate professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the graduate school of engineering of Kyoto University, Japan. He earned the Bachelor's degree in Materials Physics from Lanzhou University, China, in 2009, followed by a Master's and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Kyoto University in 2013 and 2016, respectively. From 2016 to 2019, he had been engaged as a postdoctoral researcher within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Kyoto University. His research interest is on exploring the relationship between the microstructures and mechanical properties of structural metallic materials, particularly the strain localization behavior of metals having ultrafine microstructures. He has published over 40 papers in academic journals and serves as a reviewer of academic journals such as Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Materials Science and Technologies. 

Wen-Tong Geng,
Zhejiang Normal University,

Presentation title: Mystery resolved: The composition of bcc Cu alloy precipitates in bcc Fe

Dr. Wen-Tong Geng is a distinguished professor of Physics at Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China.

He received his B.S. from Department of Physics, Lanzhou University in 1992 and PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 1998. He did postdoctoral studies in Northwestern University in the US with Professor Arthur Freeman and Professor Gregory Olson, in Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society in Germany with Professor Matthias Scheffler, and in the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan with Dr. Takahisa Ohno. He has been a full professor in Qingdao University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Hainan University since 2005, and recently moved to Zhejiang Normal University.

Professor Geng’s research has focused on first-principles computational condensed matter and materials physics based on Density Functional Theory. The problems he has studied include grain boundary cohesion in metals, hydrogen embrittlement, precipitation and phase transformation in alloys, and others in spintronics and twistronics of semiconductors. He has published about 90 refereed papers with a total citation over 6800. He is on the list of “World top 2% scientists” named by Stanford University.

Heung Nam Han,
Seoul National University,

Presentation title: Hole Expansion Failure of Steel Sheets

Heung Nam Han earned his Ph.D. in Department of Metallurgical Engineering at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea in 1995. In 1996, he joined Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, as a postdoctoral researcher. From 1997 to 2002, he has made many contributions on modelling of microstructure prediction during steel processes in POSCO Research Laboratory. From 2003 to 2004, he joined a research group for the development of TRIP-aided multiphase steels in Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS). Since 2004, he has been a professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. Now, he is in charge of head of Department and Steel Research Center of Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM). He received Young Scientist Award, Yoon Dong Suk Award and Suk Cheon Academic Award from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials in 2000, 2014 and 2017, respectively. He also received Henry Marion Howe Medal from ASM international in 2016. His research interests have been concentrated on Transformation-Induced Plasticity, Microstructure-based Finite Element Model including Crystal Plasticity, Mechanical Behavior for High Stength Steel, Texture Development of Metals during Recrystallization, Nano-indentation of Materials, Electroplasticity and Electric Current Induced Phenomena in Materials.

Byungchul Hwang,
Seoul National University of Science &Technology,

Presentation title: Effect of hydrogen on mechanical behavior of tempered martensitic steels

Byoungchul Hwang is a professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SEOULTECH), Seoul, Korea. He received a B.S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, and M.S., and Ph.D. degree in materials science and engineering from POSTECH, Pohang, Korea. Prof. Hwang joined SEOULTECH in 2013 as an assistant professor and was promoted to full Professor in 2021. Prior to joining SEOULTECH, Prof. Hwang was a senior researcher at Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), a research scholar at the University of California, Irvine, USA, and a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University, USA. He is a general secretary of steel committee and a director of external cooperation at Korea Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM). He has been studying on the mechanical behavior of various steels and alloys and published about 140 papers as the first or corresponding author in SCI journals. His research interests include the microstructure and mechanical properties of advanced steels with particular emphasis on the fundamentals of deformation and fracture behaviors.

Chang-Ching Ho,

Presentation title: The net-zero carbon emissions approach and practice of steel industry 

Chairman Chang-Ching Ho graduated from Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Cheng Kung University. He is the Chairman of KATEC R&D COPORATION. He was the Deputy Factory Manager / Director / Chairman Special Assistant of Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp. He was the Honorary Chairman / Chairman of Taiwan Concrete Institute, National Standards and Technical Committee (Iron metal smelting/ Material / Civil Engineering and Construction) of Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A., and Safety & Environment Protection Committee, Deputy Director of Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association. His experiences also include Working Group on Slag Treatment & Recycling, Coordinator of Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association, Working Committee on Standards, Deputy Coordinator of Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association, Managing Supervisor of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, and Secretary General of Taiwan Institute of Steel Construction.

Zengbao Jiao,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU),
Hong Kong, China

Presentation title: Synergistic alloying effects and nanoscale co-precipitation in ultrahigh-strength maraging steels

Dr. Zengbao Jiao is an Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). His research interest focuses on the development of advanced structural materials, including ultrahigh-strength steels, high-entropy alloys, high-temperature superalloys & intermetallics, and nanostructured alloys. He has published >100 journal papers, including 4 papers in Nature Communications, 1 in Materials Today, and 20 in Acta Materialia.

Dr. Jiao serves as an Associate Editor for Materialia (Acta Materialia Inc.) and Advisory Board Member of MetalMat (Wiley). He also serves as a reviewer for Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Acta Materialia, etc.

Dr. Jiao received numerous honors and awards, including the World’s Top 2% Most-cited Scientists by Stanford University (2021 & 2022), Acta Materialia & Scripta Materialia Outstanding Reviewer Award for three times (2021, 2022 & 2023), Faculty of Engineering Merit Award in Research and Scholarly Activities (2022), Faculty of Engineering Research Grant Achievement Award (2021 & 2022), etc.

Haiwen LUO,
University of Science and Technology Beijing,

Presentation title: Revisit of bake hardening mechanism: Influence of baking on tensile properties of press hardening steels

Prof. Haiwen LUO has been working in the ferrous metallurgy for more than 20 years with the emphasis on understanding the relation of chemistries, processing routes, microsructures and the properties/performance of advanced steels. His recent effort is to develop new types of ultrahigh strength steels with good ductility/tounghness, and also touched some spherical steels including bearing steels for longer fatigue life and electrical steels for improved maganetic properties and higher strength. He is among the earliest researhers studying medium Mn steels for automotive and has published dozens of papers in highly ranked scientific jounrals. He has been yearly awarded the most cited Chinese researcher by Elsevier and Shanghai Ranking for his exceptional research performance in the field of metallurgy engineering since 2020.

Goro Miyamoto,
Tohoku University,

Presentation title: Quantitative characterization and prediction of solute segregation at α-Fe grain boundary

Dr. Goro Miyamoto is an associate professor at Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, Japan. His research interests include various aspects of fundamentals of microstructure evolution and its control in structural metallic materials, especially steels; transformation kinetics associated with element partitioning in diffusional transformation, crystallographic analysis of displacive transformation, and strengthening by nano-clustering/precipitation. He has authored / co-authored over 170 refereed papers.

Manish M Pande,
IIT Bombay,

Presentation title: Deoxidizer-oxygen equilibria in steel in the high concentration range

Manish’s research interests include (i) secondary steelmaking, (ii) clean steel production (controlling non-metallic inclusions), (iii) thermodynamics of steel refining reactions, and (iv) simulating high-temperature equilibrium experiments at a laboratory scale. He has over 15 years of experience, of which, he spent > 8 years in academia and ~ 7 years in various steel industries. He has worked on several research projects in the area of steelmaking in India, UK and Europe. 

Before joining MEMS, IIT Bombay, he has worked full-time in R&Ds of steel industries in UK (Tata steel Europe/MPI) and India (Essar Steel Ltd.). During his PhD (KU Leuven, Belgium) and post-doc (MU Leoben, Austria), he worked in collaboration with ArcelorMittal Gent and voestalpine, Linz respectively, on the steelmaking projects. Prior to that, he obtained his BE from VRCE (now VNIT) Nagpur and M Tech from IIT Bombay, Mumbai in Metallurgical Engineering. 

At IITB, his research group has been working on the experimental and thermodynamic analysis of high alloy steels. He has to his credit more than 20 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings and a US patent.

Gour Gopal Roy,
IIT Roorkee,

Presentation title: Inclusion evolution of LCAK steel using mischmetal

Dr. Gour Gopal Roy, presently holds the position of Professor, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.

Served as HOD, MME (2014-2017) and Associate Dean, SRIC IIT Kharagpur (2017-2020).

Specialization: Alternative Routes of Ironmaking, Clean steel, Electron beam Welding, Modelling & Simulation.

Awarded “Eminent Engineering Personality” by Institute of Engineers (India), Kolkata on 21st January, 2023 during 35th National Convention of IE(I) at NIT Durgapur.

Awarded “Metallurgist of the Year-2015” instituted by Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India. Featured both in the top 2% career list and single-year list of the 2022 of Stanford ranking in the sub-field of Mining & Metallurgy.

Editorial board member: STWJ, Trans. IIM 110 publications in referred journals with total citations 3708 and H-index 28, i10 index 60.

Toshihiro Tsuchiyama,
Kyushu University,

Presentation title: Strengthening of ferritic steels by alloying element through grain boundary segregation

Dr. Toshihiro Tsuchiyama is now a professor at Department of Materials, Kyushu University, Japan. He has graduated from Kyushu University as a Bachelor in 1993, and received his Master and Doctor degrees at Kyushu University in 1995 and 1998.  His research expertise is in the control of microstructures and mechanical properties of steels using alloy design and heat treatment. The target materials include not only plain-carbon and low-alloy steels, but also high-alloy steels such as stainless steels, high/medium Mn steels, and high nitrogen steels. In particular, he is exploring optimal microstructures from the viewpoints of grain size, retained austenite, grain boundary segregation, dislocation density and distribution, and crystallographic features.

Zhangwei Wang,
Central South University,,

Presentation title: Strong and ductile lightweight compositionally complex steels via dual-nanoprecipitation

Wang Zhangwei, an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow and Professor at Central South University, has been selected for the National Talent Youth Program. His research is focused on the design, processing, and mechanical properties of lightweight steels. He has published over 30 papers in prestigious academic journals, including Nature Communications, Science Advances, and Acta Materialia. He has also been invited to deliver presentations at several international conferences, such as the TMS2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition and the First International Conference on Heterostructured Materials. He currently serves as an associate editorial board member of Materials Research Letters and is a member of the 10th Youth Working Committee of the Materials Research Society of China.

Zhenjia Xie,
University of Science and Technology Beijing,

Presentation title: On the mechanistic origin of plasticity at room and cryogenic temperatures in low carbon bainitic steel

Dr. Zhenjia Xie is an associate professor at State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials in University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB). He received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering in 2016 from USTB. During his Ph.D program, he spent one year at McMaster University as a joint-training student with Prof. S.V. Subramanian. His research interests focus on phase transformation and microstructure control of low alloy steels, microstructure characterization, strength and toughness mechanism, thermodynamic and numerical simulations. He has published 60+ journal papers. He was awarded by the second prize in The National Technological Invention Award.

Jer-Ren Yang,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan,

Presentation title: Overview of the striking features of microstructure in steels

Professor Jer-Ren Yang received Ph.D. degree (Materials Science and Metallurgy) from University of Cambridge, England, UK in 1987.  In February 1988, he joined the faculty of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), where he has been a full Professor since August 1993. He is a Distinguished Engineering Professor in NTU, and was the head of the Department in 2007-2010. His research interests include phase transformation of steels, crystal geometry and crystal defects and has published some 260 international SCI journal papers in the areas of materials science and metallurgy. He is Director of Advanced Steel Microstructure Control – Engineering Research Center at National Taiwan University. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), UK.

Zhinan Yang,
Yanshan University,

Presentation title: Accelerating nano-bainite transformation based on microstructure control

Prof. Yang Zhinan, received his PhD in Materials Science in 2013 from Yanshan University and then he joined Yanshan University. He got the funding of NSFC Excellent Young Scientist in 2021. Prof. Yang’s research interests focus on two areas: (1) fundamentals of relationship between microstructure and property of advanced steels, and (2) high effective and green manufacturing technology of advanced steels. He has published one monograph book and one translation, 100+ journal papers. He also got the second prize in The National Technological Invention Award and the first prize in the Hebei Province Technological Invention Award.

Yu Zhang,
Shasteel Group,

Presentation title: A novel strategy to fabricate thick ultra large-heat input butt weld joint by synergetic use of wire, arc and steel plate

Dr. Yu Zhang is currently senior researcher, and head of bar and wire research group at Institute of Research of Iron and Steel, Sha-steel, Jiangsu province. He received Ph.D in welding metallurgy from Tohoku university, Japan in 2008 and then joined Shs-teel in the same year. His research interests include welding metallurgy, steel metallurgy and fabrication technology of new steel. Currently he focused on developing advanced structural steel plates with good weldability, high strength long products with various property requirements. He published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, holds over 100 granted patents, and 15 Science & Technology Awards/Honors. He adopts philosophy of simultaneous R&D of steel, welding technology and filler wire, and open to academic-industrial joint collaboration.



中国金属学会 赵欣 刘芳

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